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How to become a professor in challenging times - *Waiting list*
What will I learn in this course? (2:15)
It's amazing to be a professor! (12:11)
Is it realistic to become a professor in 4 years? (4:13)
Why do you want to become a professor? (3:15)
Assignments - Why do you want to become a professor?
Your funding
Funding (6:07)
Assignments - Funding
Your Niche
Your niche (7:51)
Assignments - Your niche
Your publications
Your publication list (4:37)
The best publication strategy (6:07)
I have a different publication strategy than my supervisor (1:30)
My supervisor wants small papers (2:19)
Not all stories have the potential to be published high (1:28)
How to handle negative data? (2:37)
My supervisor wants big papers (2:02)
Should I aim for co-authorships? (3:49)
I lost my first authorship (5:02)
Summary - best publication strategy (2:31)
Assignments - Publication strategy
International mobility, reputation and network
International mobility (5:05)
How to choose the best time to go abroad (3:40)
How to choose the best postdoc position (7:29)
How to choose the best country to go abroad (3:20)
How to choose the best lab (9:44)
Intersectoral mobility (3:59)
Assignments - International and intersectoral mobility
International reputation and network (5:52)
Assignments - International network and reputation
Teaching, technical skills and participation in the academic administration
Is teaching expertise really necessary? (2:30)
How to demonstrate teaching expertise (6:20)
Teaching - summary (1:09)
Assignments - Teaching skills
Technical skills (3:52)
Assignments - Type of professor + technical skills
Participation in academic administration (2:46)
Assignments - Participation in academic administration
Vision, leadership and scientific independence
Vision and leadership (7:46)
Scientific independence (3:49)
Concluding thoughts: Is career development sleazy? (6:03)
Assignments - Vision, leadership, scientific independence
The costs and return of investment
What are the chances to become a professor? (3:51)
What are the risks and the price? (3:04)
Assignments - Costs and return of investment
Final assignments
Assignments - evaluation & personal coaching call
Teaching - summary
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